• Back to School Routines

    5 videos  |   Buy $12.50

    Going back to, or even starting, school can be challenging for our young friends to shift into. Going from the freedom of summer to the structure of a curriculum, it can take some time for students to make that transition no matter how many times they have done it before. Let’s take the time to e...

  • Community and Acceptance

    6 videos  |   Buy $12.50

    We are all different. We come from different backgrounds, we live in different spaces and we all experience our lives differently from one another. Let’s take the time to listen, understand (as best as we can), and celebrate all of our unique experiences. We love and appreciate each other for the...

  • Traditions
    6 videos  |   Buy $16


    6 videos  |   Buy $16

    It is important to know where things come from, especially if we use those things to help ourselves here in the present. Understanding the origins can help us decide how to best use these practices for ourselves. We have the things we do because of the people that came before us. Let’s take the t...

  • Feelings
    6 videos  |   Buy $16.50


    6 videos  |   Buy $16.50

    Energy is the ability to do work. Emotion is energy in motion. When we experience a feeling or trauma, it becomes stored in the body. Without expressing the feeling through movement and sound, it is redirected in the body causing physical pain, tension, or tightness. We know that children cannot ...

  • Storybook yoga part 1

    3 videos  |   Buy $49

    One of our favorite ways to teach yoga to young children is through read-alouds. We develop yoga sequences to mirror children’s literature. This helps to engage students and allows children the opportunity to truly embody the story, providing more opportunities for recall and retelling. We enlist...

  • Storybook yoga Part 2

    3 videos  |   Buy $43.50

    One of our favorite ways to teach yoga to young children is through read-alouds. We develop yoga sequences to mirror children’s literature. This helps to engage students and allows children the opportunity to truly embody the story, providing more opportunities for recall and retelling. We enlist...